Monday, January 18, 2010

The Man I Know I Love

I once saw a picture
Of the man I know I love
His smile was one of leisure
His eyes that of a dove
My heart danced
My feet pranced
But it was a picture
Just a picture

I once heard the voice
Of the man I know I love
He sounded grandiose
I felt I’d found a treasure cove
I skipped through town
I couldn’t frown
But it was a voice
Just a voice

The man I know I love
Treats me with respect
His eyes don’t rove
I don’t have to dissect
Every little thing he says
Because even in future days
In his love I remain certain
And that is enough to sustain
My smile
My beautiful smile


'The fact of the matter', she thought, 'is that i'm not too surprised. i mean this kind of thing

always happens. I'm tired of fighting against the inevitable, really!.... this last attempt was just

that.... The LAST ATTEMPT! I'm too tired'.

She laughed aloud, shaking her head in amused bemusement. ' I think maybe this time my

stupidity meter ran low finally.... but i'm really done. it's always the same result so why do i

keep trying?' Getting up and walking into the bathroom, she splashed some water on her

face, and, leaning her palms against the sides of the sink, she stared into the bathroom


'I know I'm not desperate and i know that it always comes to this... end !!!!! so WHY!!!!!!!!

they come into my life with all sorts of stories , trying to turn my dulled edges sharp! Against

my better Judgment i always let them in. as much as i'd like to lay the blame at their feet and

say they forced the doors of my defenses open, i must admit those doors don't always seem

to be well locked....

'i can't even ease this hurt by telling anyone that i did it again.... cos.... duh... they will say i

was stupid considering the fact that i KNEW, even at first , when every thing is still rosy.... I

KNOW it won't last!! But i always still just let them in. And when they begin to act all distant

and nonchalant, i want to scream at them "DID I BEG YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION IN THE


remember it takes more than one to pick a fight and i'm too tired, worn out and sorry... '

She splashed some more water on her face, trying to hide the tears running down her face

from herself

'But i think it's about that time. i want nothing more!!!!! Leave me be!!!!!!!!!!!! Wave hi and bye

and just go. Cause letting you in causes my heart to bleed a little more... If i allow me to love

again, i'd be drained of all emotion when you leave, for u will leave. I'l be bled white... '

She turned away from the mirror after one more splash of water...... He was coming in the

door, smiling widely, arms outstretched for a hug... she smiled gaily, , took one of his hands

in both of hers shook him merrily, kissed both cheeks and walked away.....

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the dumbest of us all?
O you, of course my silly little dear
You gave away what should have been held most near

Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who's the craziest of us all?
O you, of course, Crazy one
For you have lost what ought to be won

Mirror Mirror on the wall
Shall I ever recover from this fall?
O yes, you shall, o fair of face
If all your mistakes you retrace

OnyiBi Asks...

She thought she was well covered. She knew that she did not allow herself to love. so her heart was bulletproof. Then he waltzed into her life. They started out as friends but he was perfection. He knew who she was and why she was, sometimes he'd do stuff she wanted to do even before she realized she wanted to. He was perfection.

She didn't realize that she was falling in love. Again. She began to long to be in his company, oh how she loved to hear his voice. She worked hard to gain a dimpled smile from him because that smile always made her day. When he didn't call she was depressed and moody. She didn't understand herself anymore. Imagine her joy when he said he wanted to be more than friends!!!

Then! He stopped calling, she was the one who spent her time calling. He stopped being so understanding, she began to second guess herself at every turn. He became distant and began to be erratic in his manner toward her, today she is the love of his life, tomorrow he could care less about her. Oh she began to feel like she was less than she really was.

The question she asked me to ask you guys is simple really. Why go through the trouble of wooing her if you know you really didn't want her? Why turn her world upside down when you know you won't be there to put it right side up again! Why bring her heart to life only to shatter it into a million more pieces than it was shattered before she sewed it back together? She said, "OnyiBi do you know what pisses me off the most? I didn't ask for his attention! I was on my own and he came and slapped me awake? Now it rains behind my smile everyday. The little that was left of my heart is quickly fading into a sketch of what ought to be."

So I ask again? Ladies, is he really worth it?!?