It has been a while I know
Since I opened up to you
But see,
The last time was rough
And kind of sad
So I clammed up again.
Do you think I don't know,
All the wrong I've done?
Or I'm unaware, you think,
Of all the lies I've told?
How many people I've hurt?
Or how unclean I am?

But you see,
I come to you today,
Soul open wide,
Arms stretched out,
Eyes shut,
Eyes shut because I'm sure
You will reject me again
But before you turn,
Saying to yourself,
"What a horrible person"
Remind you of this let me.
The Judge of the world accepted me
He who alone is qualified to cast stones
Refused to give even a censoring look
The Blameless One took all my blame
The Holy one said, "Come as you are"
The Righteous One said,
"You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus"

So if your Judge says to judge not
Can you accept me as I am?
Faults and all?
Sin and Grime?
Trusting that our Maker
Is working on me everyday?
Don't Judge me, love
Don't judge anyone
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!"
The only Sinless One efused to cast a stone at you
Why then?
Will you cast a stone at me?
(inspired by Eugene, My Yang... Great title b!!! lol now i can read yours. sure it's better)