'The fact of the matter', she thought, 'is that i'm not too surprised. i mean this kind of thing
always happens. I'm tired of fighting against the inevitable, really!.... this last attempt was just
that.... The LAST ATTEMPT! I'm too tired'.
She laughed aloud, shaking her head in amused bemusement. ' I think maybe this time my
stupidity meter ran low finally.... but i'm really done. it's always the same result so why do i
keep trying?' Getting up and walking into the bathroom, she splashed some water on her
face, and, leaning her palms against the sides of the sink, she stared into the bathroom
'I know I'm not desperate and i know that it always comes to this... end !!!!! so WHY!!!!!!!!
they come into my life with all sorts of stories , trying to turn my dulled edges sharp! Against
my better Judgment i always let them in. as much as i'd like to lay the blame at their feet and
say they forced the doors of my defenses open, i must admit those doors don't always seem
to be well locked....
'i can't even ease this hurt by telling anyone that i did it again.... cos.... duh... they will say i
was stupid considering the fact that i KNEW, even at first , when every thing is still rosy.... I
KNOW it won't last!! But i always still just let them in. And when they begin to act all distant
and nonchalant, i want to scream at them "DID I BEG YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION IN THE
remember it takes more than one to pick a fight and i'm too tired, worn out and sorry... '
She splashed some more water on her face, trying to hide the tears running down her face
from herself
'But i think it's about that time. i want nothing more!!!!! Leave me be!!!!!!!!!!!! Wave hi and bye
and just go. Cause letting you in causes my heart to bleed a little more... If i allow me to love
again, i'd be drained of all emotion when you leave, for u will leave. I'l be bled white... '
She turned away from the mirror after one more splash of water...... He was coming in the
door, smiling widely, arms outstretched for a hug... she smiled gaily, , took one of his hands
in both of hers shook him merrily, kissed both cheeks and walked away.....