Onyi Bi is my alter ego... I created her to ensure that i tap into a stream tof creativity that I am unwilling to explore. She is sure of her self, blunt and straight forward, whereas I tend to keep a lot of thoughts to myself.Most of the experiences she will be relating are fictional, but a few are factual. And she is so good that you will be unable to tell the fictional apart from the factual. Onyi Bi has a level of creativity I can only dream about, so most times she writes for me, then I take over.
This lady is is on point. She is adventurous and fun and lively, and is sure to keep you guys entertained with little anecdotes and the like. She is fascinated with a lot of things, GOD being one of the major ones. Insanity is a close second. She does a lot of research and then writes on them.
Onyi Bi is my number one advocate so bear with her if she begins to Rant and rave or berate someon on my behalf. I mean how often do you get someone who is totally loyal to you? she loves to write and the stuff that occupies her head is un-be-lieve-able. Trust me! We share the same brain! She loves to read and talk about the books that she has read, so you might find a lot of "book reviews". She is very interactive where I am almost anti social, so don't be afraid to comment on her blog postings. At this point Onyew is Leaving the Building (as well as sanity). Muah